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Home Made Sun Cream!

About a month or so ago, I found a recipe for home made suncream on Pinterest by a blog called Natural Paleo Family. I ummed and arred about whether to go down the DIY suncream, was it safe? Was it expensive? Was it messy?

Well, the recipe on Pinterest is from a woman who has tried and tested it on her two children and it's also made up of the same ingredients as a Suntribe suncream and Shade suncream so I figured it was a safe bet.

I made two versions, one with beeswax and one without. The beeswax one, unsurprisingly, is more waxy and sticks a bit better but I actually prefer the one without it.

My husband and I lathered ourselves up on the hottest day of the year, sunbathed for a good 2-3 hours and both came out unscathed. I just had a slightly red back where I'd been lying down for ages and forgotten to top up when I flipped over. It's a suncream you need to reapply!

I also gave it to my brother in law who has given up chemical sun cream (says they cause cancer) and he loves it, he's a landscaper and works outside and has olive skin that tans easily, as does my husband, lucky sods. He didn't look the slightest bit burnt or crispy when I saw him last weekend.

I'm a fair skinned girl, pasty some might say, and usually the only way I'd tan is if I got burnt and then moisturised like buggery after. Using this suncream, I think I might have the best tan I've ever gotten in one day!

It's a little bit messy to make, so don't blame you if you want to buy the pre-made tinned stuff. Actually it's not making it that's messy, it's trying to clean the bowl after, don't use one your nice bowls!

The ingredients aren't so easy to get plastic free (non-nano zinc comes in one of those pouchy bags and shea butter in a plastic tub) but it will save you money I think. Plus if you buy bulk you could end up with years worth of suncream if you live in the UK!!

So, if you want to make your own, just remember to reapply every hour or so. Click on the picture below and you will be taken to the recipe I used, I'd also suggest reading what she says about it as I found it interesting. Good luck!

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