Clear Airways Not Runways!
For the last year, Southampton airport owners have been consulting residents about the airport expansion. The original commenting window was back before Christmas and it's now opened again following an environmental report being shared.
This could be our last chance to finally stop this dreadful expansion.
MP Paul Holmes is in favour of the expansion and the majority of people who have commented in support have done so stating that it will help the economy, never mind the health and wellbeing of residents who will be impacted heavily by the louder planes and dirtier air.
The idea that the only way to boost the economy in our area is to build a bigger airport in a town that has declared a climate emergency is laughable.
I know I am not the only one who has had to rely on inhalers again since moving into Eastleigh, the traffic is already terrible for a town that boasts excellent public transport links.
The planes are so loud that you can't hold a conversation when they're taking off and this is only set to get worse.
Residents commenting in support aren't actually residents who live next to the airport, they don't realise that their health can still be impacted by worsening air quality. Even if you don't live next to the airport, you can still voice your opposition to it!
AXO Southampton have a very helpful website dedicated to fighting the expansion with loads more information and you can visit it here:
If you don't need anymore convincing to object the expansion, head straight to the commenting page here:
If you'd like to read more of the information Eastleigh council have provided you can stop by here first:
If, like me, you're anxious at the very idea of this going ahead and want to do a bit more than comment on the planning application, I've created some A4 printable posters that you can stick in your window, to perhaps try and catch the attention of neighbours who may not be aware as of yet. You can also share these on social media with the hashtag that Katrina has created; #NoSOUAirportExpansion (check out Treen on Twitter and Instagram, she's a legend) .
Do shout as much as you like about it, there is only a small window left. AXO Southampton's website also has a template to email your MP - they represent you, make them work!
The posters are below and also downloadable here:

Please make sure you've had your say before August 10th. Together we can work to protect our health and fight climate change.