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Winner annoucement and NEW BINGO CARD!

This last round of Bingo was a tough one! Who knew Dr Pepper would be so evasive! But we had 2 successful

BINGO callers!

@litterpickle and @tabitha_louise who won an Ecoffee Cup generously donated by @2018noplastic!

Thank you so much ladies!!

So the next card is in respect of PRIDE month!! Which I just about made it into! So the rule of this month is that you have to find 1 or more pieces of litter that are every colour of the rainbow (and a black and white one just because there are 9 boxes!!).

Here is the colourful card:

You have until the 29th July to get all of your bingo litter in. Just take a picture of every colour litter you found for each box and post them with your bingo card as the cover and your crossed out boxes.


Thanks for playing!! Good luck!!

If you're new to bingo you can find the full rules here.

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